“Erasmus generation… a generation that looks beyond borders, with hate for none and love for all.”


Do you want to develop new skills? Do you want to strengthen your language skills? Do you want to know other cultures, customs and lifestyles? Do you want your organization to cooperate with organizations in other countries? Do you want to experiment with new learning methods and exchange good practices? The Erasmus + program offers you all these opportunities for personal development for better integration into the labor market, professional development to improve the quality of activities in the field of youth, to build a network of international contacts and to actively participate in society, to create activities and programs that better meet the needs of young people, to recognize the skills acquired during periods of mobility.

Over 520 people were Erasmus students from UVVG

Join the programme and become part of the big Erasmus+ family!


The Erasmus+ program has a special importance in the internationalization strategy of our university. Through it, academic and research links have been formed with prestigious higher education institutions in Europe and beyond. I support the participation in the program of both, students and teachers and UVVG staff. It is an exchange of experience and best practices that contribute to continuous development of our academic community.

Prof. univ. Dr. Cotoraci Coralia
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Conf. univ. Dr. Bențe Cristian
Dare to be part of the large Erasmus+ family. It’s an experience that might change your life.

Savici Dariana

Faculty Coordinators

Cecilia Avram

Facultatea de Medicină
Contact: avram.cecilia@uvvg.ro

Speranța Milancovici

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane şi Educaţie Fizică şi Sport
Contact: milancovici.speranta@uvvg.ro

Diana Marian

Facultatea de Medicină Dentară
Contact: marian.diana@uvvg.ro

Antoanela Naaji

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, Informatică şi Inginerie
Contact: naaji.antoanela@uvvg.ro

Adriana Daraban

Facultatea de Farmacie
Contact: maria.daraban@uvvg.ro

Daniela Creț

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Juridice

Contact: dcret@uvvg.ro